Monday 26 March 2012

Summer Time

What a weekend, glorious sunshine. Saturday was all day tidying the garden and planting the Clematis  plants that I bought at the end of the season last year, 14 of them at 50p each and every single one is now in leaf. Saturday night was a celebration of Stephen’s birthday in the Farmers Arms at Heskin. Harold joined us as he is now out of hospital, but far from well. Steve and Babs, from Chorley FM, turned up and we had a chat until late.

I have to admit that I wasn’t 100% on Sunday and spent all day pottering. I blamed it on the clocks moving to British Summer Time and losing an hour in bed! Roxanne had some homework to do which involved finding something that needed attention and identifying who was responsible for putting it right. Whilst walking for an ice cream, Roxanne noticed that a hedgerow was full of litter, so she wrote about that and not only did she identify the problem she took action and fixed it, with my help, we spent over an hour cleaning the hedgerow.

The week leading up to the glorious weekend was largely uneventful with an informal cabinet briefing on Monday, Pre-school committee meeting on Tuesday, where we need some way of encouraging more willing parents to volunteer to contribute to the committee. As already mentioned, Harold ended his three weeks in hospital on Wednesday and came home, though with a fair amount of recovery still required.

I did help out a concerned resident, of Heskin, whose neighbour applied to fell a large oak tree, which has a TPO on it. Unfortunately, for the applicant, the tree is in the garden of the concerned resident. All sorted out, the large oak remains standing and the concerned resident is happy.

What should have been a simple straightforward meeting of the Private Rented Housing Task Group, on Thursday, ended up somewhat lively, as I suppose is likely to be the case when two strong willed people have differing opinions and are not kept in check from the outset.

On Thursday I received a letter from a 13 year old from Heskin who wants to build a skate park in the village. I tried to telephone him but he was out, I sent him an e-mail, to which his mother replied. I will do all I can, starting by going and talking with him, his friends and parents about his proposals.

On Friday I helped with some (300) leaflet deliveries on behalf of Terry Cook, the candidate for Chorley South West at the Chorley Council local elections in May. I also submitted formal comment on the Boundary Commission proposals for the revised parliamentary boundaries for Chorley, which align parliamentary and borough boundaries and appear, to me, to be totally reasonable.

Frank is doing well, and is sleeping through, or rather he was until he began teething.

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