Tuesday 3 April 2012


The Charities Act 2011 (which repeals and replaces the Recreational Charities Act 1958, the Charities Act 1993 and many of the provisions of the Charities Act 2006) is now in force and will have an impact on the Pre-School. I have been involved in commenting on potential improvements to the legal and regulatory framework for charities, as part of the consultation phase of the Charities Act 2006 review, which is being undertaken by Lord Hodgson.

Monday’s learning hour by Chorley Council on Social Media was a good overview of some of the social media that is available. The learning hour was primarily aimed at those councillors who are not using, or have concerns about using, social media. Whilst not being in this category it was, nonetheless, useful to sit in, listen and contribute.

On Tuesday the National Planning Policy Framework was published, which was timely as the Development Control Committee met that night. I attended the pre-application presentation for proposed development of Withnell Fold Mill. Development Control committee meeting was straightforward; it was however strange having no members of the public present. Tree Preservation Order Number 12, Charnock Richard, was confirmed protecting 5 trees along the path between Meadowlands and Pole Green Nurseries. I raised the question of protection of other trees and hedgerow along this path and, as a result I, will now be finding out how to raise a Tree Preservation Order.

Purdah, or the pre-election period, began on Tuesday and marks the beginning of the lead up to the local government elections on 3 May. The word originates from the Persian: پرده, meaning "curtain" and is the practice of concealing women from men, so might not be considered, by some, to be entirely politically correct! During the purdah period, candidates and other politicians involved directly in the election should not be involved in proactive publicity, especially that dealing with controversial issues. Chorley Council, during this period, are restricted in the publicising of issues that might identify it with individual members or groups of members, the authority can respond to events and service enquiries provided that their answers are factual and not party political. Chisnall ward is not being contested at the elections in May, so I am, possibly, affected less than some. I will still be attending public meetings, such as the one discussing Charnock Richard Community Centre on Wednesday, PACT meetings and Parish Council meetings and will continue to work with residents on existing and new issues brought to my attention.

On Wednesday I held a really useful meeting with Community Futures regarding the business set up of Charnock Richard Pre-School, I now have some work to do but at least know why I am doing what I am doing and it will all contribute to having a correct set up for the Pre-School committee in the future. Later that same day was the final meeting of the Tourism and Promoting Chorley Task Group, some good recommendations to be presented to executive cabinet. Later still was a Public meeting for the Old School Rooms restoration. I really wish I shared the optimism of the majority in the room and I genuinely hope that I am wrong about the master of Hubris.

A busy week ahead, with little chance of any rest between now and the local elections on 3 May.

Song this week was “Hubris” by “Living Syndication” opening lyric “Hey you, you're aggravating me, and I'm growin’ really tired of, all the put downs…”

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