Thursday 26 April 2012

Baku Eurovision 2012?

Baku Lounge

Baku, the land of fire and silk, the host city for Eurovision 2012, the scientific, cultural and industrial centre of Azerbaijan, or is it a bar on the A49, Charnock Richard?
Baku Lounge, which is planning to be the latest venue at the Hunters Lodge, is advertising that it will be opening on 22 June. With some more careful planning the opening night could have coincided with the final of the Eurovision Song Contest and an opportunity for a Eurovision party on 26 May has been missed!
The Hunters Lodge, many years ago
Whilst not obvious from the outside I have been told that a considerable amount of refurbishment has taken place inside, my opinion is that it will be good to see the building being used once again and any renovation can only improve the appearance of the building. Hopefully the venture will be successful and will contribute to, rather than adversely affecting, the community.
There has been some speculation and concern over the licence application which is for 24/7 eating, drinking and dancing and several concerned residents have contacted me, including one resourceful person who, thanks to the wonders of social media, tracked me down at my desk at work. I have contacted Baku and they have stated that plans are to be open Friday and Saturday evening and on a Sunday, so not 24/7, though specific times have not been provided. The times advertised for the opening event are 19:00 to 02:00 so it is possible that these might be the evening opening hours.
Having had discussions with the Public Protection Officer at Chorley Council a 24/7 application provides the proprietor with the greatest opportunity to make the venture a success, as the opening hours will be dictated by economics. The officer was adamant that any breach of the licence conditions will be treated seriously and action will be taken, with a 24/7 licence the conditions are the same regardless of the time of day.
Anyone with any comments to make (in support of, or opposition to the application) can do so, by contacting Chorley Council please note that any objection must relate to the licensing objectives and include facts not supposition of what might happen. The Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) “Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 Consolidated Version published 10 December 2009” is relevant and is linked here.
There remains much rumour over the exact type of venue this might be, I know no more than anyone else and can only go off the licence application. Whilst not directly connected to this application, the same applicant intended to renovate New Southworth Hall (which many will remember as Campions) on Cuerdale Lane, Samlesbury, into an Upmarket Cocktail Lounge called Baku and gained Listed Building Consent in 2010 for a single storey extension to the rear, formation of a covered seating area and outdoor area enclosed by a 3.2m high perimeter wall (07/2010/0356/LBC), for whatever reason this has not happened and the property has since been sold.
Baku not, in this instance, the largest city on the Caspian Sea but a bar on the A49 in Charnock Richard and hopefully in harmony with the community, not causing residents to be fired up but running smooth as silk.

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