Wednesday 18 April 2012

Make It Happen

Heskin Skatepark

Enjoying a short family break in Portstewart, last week meant that I, unfortunately, missed the meeting of Heskin Parish Council where the request for a Skatepark on the Meadows, close to the football pitch, was considered. From what I have been told, the decision made at the meeting was to send the request to Chorley Borough Council to determine costs and availability of grant funds.

Disappointed does not describe how I feel, as this is not good enough. The proposal will need to be sponsored by the Parish Council, as they lease the land off Chorley Borough Council. I would have expected that a Parish sponsor would be needed and that there would have been at least one member of the Parish Council willing to put themselves forward to identify costs and determine what grant funding may be available (including such as land fill grant aid and section 106 monies). I have offered to do the work on behalf of the Parish Council, however my offer has been ignored, which I find frustrating as the suggestion will improve the area and will provide a facility to encourage children, especially teenagers, to be fit and healthy. I just hope that Heskin Parish Council has the impetus to make this happen, or at least try and I hope that a Parish Council content with a football pitch having only one set of goals, has the energy to invest some time in trying to satisfy this request from a young resident. The words of the song Make It Happen, by Selena Gomez, are pertinent here.

In the meantime I have offered to set up a service to transport people from Heskin to Coppull, Eccleston or any other venue, to use existing skateparks, this requires a community effort and parents’ support, the offer is there and hopefully it will prove successful.

Traffic Regulation Orders

Two Traffic Regulation Orders, affecting Chisnall Ward, are currently being advertised by Lancashire County Council.

One of these is to introduce “No Waiting At Any Time” just north of St John’s School on the A49 in Coppull.

Typical Parking at the Church Lane Charter Lane Junction
The other being to introduce junction protection measures at the junction of Charter Lane and Church Lane, in Charnock Richard, which is the result of an issue I raised with Lancashire County Council in June of last year. People park their vehicles right on the junction causing congestion, restricting line of sight and generally contributing to an unsafe situation for children attending both school and Pre-School.

Footpath Diversion

An application for diversion of footpaths 10 and 11 Charnock Richard which pass through Crook Fold Farm, Brook Lane in Charnock Richard has been submitted to Lancashire County Council. Looking at the plans submitted with the proposal, if approved, this will divert a path away from the applicant’s residential property which seems reasonable as it will improve their privacy, however the path moves closer to another property, which is perhaps not so reasonable, time to walk the dog and have a look.

Planning matters related to Chisnall Ward are covered in my blog Chisnall Planning

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