Tuesday 20 March 2012

Where Do The Children Play

A bit later than usual with the blog post this week, however here it is:

Some time concentrating on the Pre-School last week, with some superb free training provided by Community Futures on Monday, included 45 minutes with a legal professional who was kind enough to check and comment on the revised contract of employment I have written on behalf of the pre-school committee and provided some good advice on the provision of stakeholder pensions. The bulk of the day was a session on the role of trustees within a pre-school / nursery setting, presented by a lady who used to work for the Charity Commission, so good relevant advice and information. I have arranged a follow up consultation, through Lancashire County Council, as there is the possibly that we may be able to improve the way the Pre-school is established as a business.

Another strange meeting with the trustees of the Charnock Richard Old School Rooms, which is the building we currently use for Pre-School, took place on Tuesday. I really hope the expectations of the trustees are met; however I fear that I am less hopeful than they appear to be. I really want to see the building renovated, especially the old Headmasters House, however having done some research (as I do) knowing the magnitude of the bid, the amount of Heritage Lottery funds allocated to the North West and the type of bids the School Rooms restoration is competing against, makes me think a number of smaller scale schemes may be more realistic.

The highlight of my week was the Local Democracy Event in Chorley Town Hall on Thursday, where about 70, year 5 pupils from three local primary schools, asked questions on 11 topics in 5 minute bursts. My allocated topic was staying healthy, thankfully supported by two ladies from the NHS. I was encouraged by how much the children knew about exercise and eating a balanced diet. I explained about the year of Health and Wellbeing and gave out fluffy parrots and badges to the children. Main issues of concern for the children were clean streets and around having places to play, as the playgrounds are occupied by older kids. Fortunately, unlike the lyric on the song by Cat Stephen “Where do the children play?” “Well you roll on roads, over fresh green grass” play areas and open space are being provided and considered during developments, it seems the issue may be having provision for all ages.

Thursday was also the Audit committee meeting, nothing really to note. Whilst taking the day off from work to attend this and the Local Democracy Event, I used some spare time to submit an expression of interest for the renovation of the Charnock Richard primary school woodland garden. The school children have done a great deal of work and there is support for the renovation amongst parents and the wider community, so hopefully the council will be able to provide help and guidance in delivering this project.

Thursday was also the Bowel Cancer awareness presentation I set up with the Mothers’ Union. Unfortunately I could not attend but have been told the presentation went well and I will make some time to visit a future MU meeting for a brew and chat.

Friday was fairly traumatic, not for me I might add. First Frank’s baby inoculations, three of them, at least there are no more until he is one year old, then Roxanne visited the dentist. Roxanne has weak enamel on some of her teeth and needs some work.

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