Friday 2 March 2012


The signs are up and Mill Lane, at its junction with Preston Road in Charnock Richard, is to be closed on Saturday and Sunday 3 and 4 March whilst the roundabout is repaired. I consider this to be good service from Lancashire County Council, as I raised the problem only about 8 weeks ago, this is a minor disruption for residents (disrupting me more than most, as I will have a 20 mile diversion, for the half mile trip to church, for Frank’s christening on Sunday) but worthwhile in the longer term as the roundabout is hazardous, especially to cyclists.

Members Support Working Group on Monday, 27 February, discussed recent members’ development activities and suggestions for future. I consider this to be an important group with a good mix of members. For those of us who want to take advantage of it, there is an excellent focus on development of elected members at Chorley Borough Council.

I attended a presentation on Monday, 27 February, arranged by Charnock Richard Football Club First Team, to discuss a potential planning application for installation of floodlights at the football ground on Charter Lane. Four residents and three of the Parish Councillors attended with the majority of attendees being members of the Football Club Committee. The proposal presented was for four, 15metre tall posts with a light cluster of four, 2kW luminaires at their top (a total of 16 luminaires, 32kW).  Discussion following the presentation covered a number of topics, though a major issue appeared to be provision of car parking, or the willingness of people to use the parking provided. Whilst of concern to all present, this was not directly related to the proposed planning application for floodlights. Floodlights are required by the first team, if they are to progress into a higher league, however there may be considered to be an impact on the rural streetscene around Charnock Richard if floodlights were to be installed. My role, whilst remaining open minded, will be to ensure that I make residents aware when the application is submitted so that they are provided with the opportunity to make their own comment on any proposal, to Chorley Borough Council.

Full Council on Tuesday was the budget meeting where we agreed to invest extra money on policing, the environment and job creation whilst cutting the Chorley Borough Council portion of the council tax by 1%. This cut contributes to the fact that the majority of people in Chorley will see a reduction in their overall Council Tax bill in 2012/13.

Heskin Village Hall - Getting Around on my Bike
Heskin Village Hall Annual General Meeting and Committee Meeting on Wednesday was, as ever, an informal meeting. The village hall is a superb facility in a small village and hopefully will continue to be successful.

My father-in-law has been complaining of a sore arm and ribs for a few days, his GP suggested he take some Nurofen, which he did, however on Monday evening he ended up in hospital and is now being treated for a pulmonary embolism. Worrying times for all concerned as he really is quite unwell, we all wish him well in his recovery.

Chorley Borough Council Development Control and Licensing meetings next week additionally I will be at the Charnock Richard Parish Council meeting and the Police and Communities Together meeting, where I will be discussing, once again, the issue of people parking their vehicles blocking the pavement especially around schools in Heskin, Charnock Richard and Coppull West.

Chisnall planning applications this week:
12/00186/FUL Variation of condition of planning permission 10/00298/FUL plot 3, 71 Charter Lane, Charnock Richard to enable the dwelling to be constructed from a different brick type to that approved.
12/00189/FUL Erection of a two storey side extension (on piers) and erection of a single storey rear extension at 2 Yew Tree Villas, Preston Road, Charnock Richard.
As I am trying to name each post with either a song title/lyric or popular phrase which is related to the post, Diversion is a short instrumental track by Mark Ronson

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