Friday 9 March 2012

When You Dream

What a good job, the road works at Mill Lane in Charnock Richard are now complete, with the road closing late on Saturday and opening again by 2pm on Sunday as planned, which was far from the two days (8am to 5pm) as reported in the Chorley Guardian, the reporter should have asked someone from Charnock Richard for comment and the correct details. Only eight weeks after I reported this to LCC the road is now considerably safer, thanks must go to the workmen who worked hard to minimise disruption and have delivered a superb job.

Development Control committee on Tuesday evening saw 10 applications. One of these applications was in Chisnall that being the Farm Depot, Bentley Lane, Heskin, which was approved for change of class of use, with conditions restricting opening times and not allowing outside storage of equipment or materials.

Wednesday was Licensing Committee, which approved the performing of an unmet needs survey for Hackney Carriages throughout Chorley Borough (not just High Street, in the town centre). The hackney carriage drivers were well represented, with 15 of the 36 drivers in attendance.

Following the Licensing Committee I attended part of the Community Alcohol Network event taking place in the Lancastrian Suite of the Town Hall. Some really useful information and it was also good to sit in and view what good work Lancashire County Council and Chorley Borough Council are doing to support the licensing business in Chorley.

Later still I attended the Chorley Rural South Police and Communities Together (PACT) meeting. These meetings are useful contact with the Community Beat Officer and the PCSOs who work in the villages, in addition to several residents who have specific concerns. Discussion took place regarding the speed limit along Wood Lane, Heskin and the congestion along Withington Lane, Heskin, each of which I have been involved in recently. Plans are now in place for a speed reduction along Wood Lane, whilst relieving the Withington Lane congestion will be more of a challenge. Additionally, parking along Church Lane in Charnock Richard was discussed along an initiative in conjunction with St Johns School, Preston Road, Coppull aimed at restorative justice for road users caught speeding.

Of major concern at the PACT meeting this month was the doorstep fish seller who is targeting elderly and vulnerable people in Chorley and most recently Eccleston.
I took Friday off work to distribute a leaflet, containing the Police press release, to some of the homes throughout Heskin, Charnock Richard and Coppull West that are occupied by vulnerable and elderly people. Hopefully this individual will leave or, better still, be caught and brought to justice.

Thursday was a day with no formal meetings, so a full day at work, followed by family time. I did use the evening to follow up some telephone messages and reply to e-mails, in addition to preparing for a training session I am attending on Monday as Chairman of Charnock Richard Pre-School; reading the papers for the Audit Committee meeting on Thursday and continuing with preparations for the Local Democracy Event, also on Thursday, where I will be answering questions, posed by year 5 (10 year old) pupils, on staying healthy.

Frank’s christening went well, with a superb church service and follow up in Charnock Richard Football Club. Many thanks to Father Timothy for taking the service and Margaret Stewart for arrangement, it was especially good to see family who we see all too infrequently.

The father-in-law remains quite ill in hospital, the pulmonary embolism has now been dispersed however he still has a lung infection; he doesn’t seem to be getting noticeably better, however neither does he seem to be getting any worse. Many thanks, to everyone who has sent in their best wishes.

Next week, as already mentioned, I will be involved with the audit committee and the Local Democracy Event both on Thursday, as well as the Pre-School training on Monday. On Tuesday I will be attending a meeting regarding a Heritage Lottery Bid for restoration of the Charnock Richard Old School Rooms and then Coppull Parish Council on Wednesday. Friday is a double header of Frank’s next dose of baby inoculations and a visit to the dentist for Roxanne.

Title this week is from Barenaked Ladies,
"With life just begun,
my sleeping new son
has eyes that roll back in his head
They flutter and dart,

he slows down his heart
and pictures a world past his bed"

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