Friday 11 November 2016

From my Chisnall Planning Blog - Chorley Lane

I have a Blog named Chisnall Planning and this is from that post. My opinion is that the alterations are inappropriate and will seriously affect the amenity of the neighbours who have been extremey patient so far, I will be opposing this application just as I opposed the original application. Increasing the ridge height of a bungalow, to add rooms above the ground floor, surely means it is no longer a bungalow. Moving a drain from where it is needed because it is difficult to install is not a good reason.

Alterations to previously approved house types J and D on plots 1, 3 and 4 (originally approved under 13/00600/FUL), to add an integral garage with room above to the side of plot 1 and to increase the ridge height and add roof lights to the semi-detached bungalows on plots 3 and 4 (to allow creation of a room in the roof space). Also, to amend the line of the French drain in the rear gardens of these properties to avoid the tree line on the western boundary. Open for Comment
Land 60M North To The Rear Of 34-42 And Including 42 Chorley Lane Charnock Richard
Ref. No: 16/01001/FUL | Received: Tue 25 Oct 2016 | Validated: Mon 07 Nov 2016 | Status: Awaiting decision

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