Friday 13 February 2015

Oh yes it is!

First of all I wish everyone all the best for 2015.

2014 ended, as has happened previously (2013 and 2012) with a planning application being submitted for houses on land in Charnock Richard, I’m almost certain this is done to try and catch people unaware, as they are busy and pre-occupied with Christmas.

Dog fouling continues to be an issue during the winter months, the Old School gardening will need to start again, before the weeds take over, and the School Panto will have happened.

Planning Application 14/01279/FULMAJ – Land off Southgates

A planning application has been submitted to build 18 houses, which are being described as affordable, on the land adjacent to Southgates. The access, to this new estate of 18 houses, is proposed to be off Chorley Lane.

Many people have contacted me opposing the proposal, for many valid reasons, however not everyone will be opposed to the proposed development and all reasons, for and against the development, need to be considered.

My stance is straightforward, as many of you already know, I am opposed to building in the Green Belt and this land is Green Belt.

Green Belt exists to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open, and the most important attribute of green belt is openness, any development especially of 18 houses will, in my opinion, have a significant impact on the openness of the Green Belt and needs to be challenged.

Dog Fouling

I know the majority of Dog Owners are responsible, but there remain a number of you who are not and do not clean up after your dog.

To those of you who don’t clear up after your dog and clearly don’t care about the place in which you live, will you please consider the welfare of other people?

Registered blind people are the only ones who are not required, by law, to clear up after their guide dogs, everyone else, able bodied or otherwise has, by law, to clean up. Claiming to not being aware that your dog has fouled is not acceptable, if you claim not to be aware then you are clearly not in control of your dog and that is another offence under law.

Dog waste can be put in any bin, but please avoid using the one on the Children’s play area.

There are enough bins in Charnock Richard in which dog waste can be put, after it has been picked up in a bag. I have already had extra and larger bins installed, but if you think there is a need for more in certain places then please contact me and I will try and have more bins installed.

Thank you to the vast majority who are responsible and clean up after your dog.

Remember bag it and bin it.

Old School Gardening

It’s just about 12 months ago since we began the tidy up of the front of the Old School and, through the continued effort of a few people, created a useful space and what is now known as the memorial garden.

Winter will soon be taken over by spring and weeds are better prepared than plants, as they start growing earlier.

I will be at the garden on some Saturday mornings doing general tidying, cutting the hedge, mowing the grass, weeding and, in April, planting one of the beds with the help of the Lower Burgh Meadow Conservation Group. Anyone can join in and don’t worry you can’t do anything wrong, if you are passing at any time and have a spare 5 or 10 minutes, walk in pull up a few weeds and help towards keeping this part of the village tidy.

I have included a picture as reminder of how it was before we started the work and therefore how it will become if we don’t keep on top of it.

Primary School Panto – Aladdin

I just want to say that the Panto has to be one of the best things that I have had the pleasure of being involved in. Its purpose is to raise funds for school but what it does is much more, as it brings the community together.

There are countless local people who give up their time and skills to make the Panto what it is and raise funds for school. All time is given voluntary and without question, the four shows are the result of a great team of people and thanks must go to Sarah Reeve Halton and Linda Jones for their direction and vision.

I know there are better pictures than this, many posted on Facebook, but this appeared in the Chorley Guardian for two weeks and was taken during the School Assembly, where Wishee Washee (Stephen Clipston), Aladdin (Emma Haslingden) and Widow Twankey (me), all of who are parents of children at the school and have never done anything like this before, entertained the children.

My contact details are:

Paul Leadbetter
Rose Cottage, Mill Lane, Charnock Richard

Telephone 07926 089450 – you can call be any time.

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