Twomeetings this week were a result of my involvement in two of the currentChorley Borough Council task groups, “Private Rented Housing” and ”Tourism andPromoting Chorley”. These task groups are brought together to address specificitems on behalf of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
ThePrivate Rented Housing task group is becoming quite a vociferous group withmuch debate, as one person tweeted this week “Local Government at its best”proper debate without any political bias and hopefully real outcomes to thebenefit of both tenants and landlords. The basic aim is to improve the qualityof private rented housing, improved quality housing makes life for tenantseasier contributing to their health and wellbeing, and quality housingshould also make the properties easier to market for the landlords.
TheTourism and Promoting Chorley Task Group has been meeting for several monthsand is drawing to its conclusion. The most recent meeting saw presentations byrepresentatives from United Utilities, LCC and Astley Hall each of whichprovided a useful insight into how tourism might be promoted throughout Chorley .
Quiteby accident I was fortunate enough to sit in on a meeting regarding the ChorleyCenotaph proposals and new design. It is always encouraging to listen to peoplewith a true passion and pride in what they believe. Hopefully the outcome fromthe consultation period will have taken into account the opinions of all thoseindividuals, and groups, with something to contribute. "We can be heroes, justfor one day", these people were and are for eternity, I just hope that all thesepeople of Chorley Borough are appropriately recognised.
Mostimportant next week is the christening, on Sunday, of our son Frank. Leading upto that, there is full Council on Tuesday, for the annual budget meeting and morelocally, I will be attending a presentation on the suggestion for floodlights,at Charnock Richard Football Club, and the Annual General Meeting of HeskinVillage Hall Committee, in addition to my usual walking about a bit.
Only one Chisnall planning application this week: 12/00048/FUL for replacement agricultural building at Douglas Farm, German Lane, Charnock Richard.