Saturday 5 October 2013

You do nowt

Whilst visiting a local school recently I was asked by a confident young lad, who I think must have been about 7 or 8years old, “ere mister, you’re a councillor, what do you do, my Dad says you do nowt?”


I really enjoy children asking questions and this one made me think as, for the most part, it probably appears as though we “do nowt because, in general, people get on with their lives without having to ask for our support.


My answer went something like this.


Well, I am married with two children and I have another full time job which involves making aeroplanes. I am a Scuba Diving Instructor, Chairman of the Local Pre-School and a Governor of the local High School and of course I have the garden and house to maintain, so I am not just a councillor.




We have meetings in the Town Hall, but the most important bit as a councillor is to represent the views and opinions of the people in my area. I meet people who contact me and try to help with whatever it is they want help with.


“Such as”


Have you ever stood in Dog poo, noticed there is litter on the street, do you play on the playground? Have any buildings been built near to you, is there a pub or restaurant, have you ever been in a Taxi, or walked along a public footpath? Are there any big trees where you live and have you noticed that sometimes hedgerows and verges become overgrown, roads need repairing or that street lights are always lit? Do people park in daft places and do they sometimes go too fast along the road?


I could have gone on but could see he was getting bored. So I let him ask “but what’s that got to do with you?”


Well, if anyone wants anything doing, such as these, then I can help. I have reported dozens of street problems, have hadroads and a roundabout resurfaced and have been involved in having speed limits on roads reduced.


I have helped people with planning issues, both objecting to other people wanting to build and helping supporting planning applications. I keep telling the planning people that we need shops, schools, Doctors and play areas not just houses. Taxis and pubs need to have a licence and I have been involved in helping people object to late opening and complaints about taxi drivers.


I have cut hedges so they do not scratch people when they walk past and I have had hedges cut so people don’t have to walk in the road. I have helped with problems with big trees,am currently trying to get Network Rail to paint the bridge inCharnock Richard and Electricity Northwest to tidy up the substation on Chorley Lane (both of which are proving almost impossible). I worked with United Utilities when they were digging big holes to hold water and people didn’t like not being able to park, having dirty roads and bits falling from the waggons.


I have a monthly meeting with the Police in which we talk about local issues such as speeding, people stealing things and being dishonest and help the Police decide what to do over the next month.


I am a Health Champion for Chorley and help to promote health and wellbeing all over Chorley. Dog Poo is a problem everywhere and I help with campaigns to make people aware of why they must clean up after their dog. I have been involved with the planting of thousands of trees in a woodland project to improve an area and helped to have the school woodland garden renovated.



One of his mates came over and listened for a while then they went off to play football “thanks mister”.


While he was running off I asked him what it was his Dad wanted doing, his reply “oh, nowt he’s happy, but I’ll tell him you do some stuff.


If there is any “stuff” I can help with then please ask

My telephone number is 01257 795559, please leave a message and your contact details, I do respond to every message.

Or e-Mail