Tuesday 19 March 2013

Burn (or hopefully not)

Many thanks to everyone who has contacted me over recent weeks, primarily regarding Dog Fouling and Speeding, each of which are a problem along the roads and footpaths in the village. More about these later. Each year Chorley Council host a Democracy Day involving year 5 and 6 pupils, last year it was the turn of Charnock Richard School and, as one of the Chorley Health Champions I fielded questions on Being Healthy, this year Internet Safety became my topic.

Democracy Day

Always a great event held at the Town Hall involving year 5 / 6 pupils. This year pupils from St Georges in Chorley, St Oswalds in Coppull and Withnell and Wheelton Primary School were the fortunate students to ask questions of subject experts and a councillor. Subjects included, Fire Safety (more of which later!); Internet Safety; What the Council Does for You; Water Safety, Planning, Meet the Mayor; Community Working; Transitioning to High School; Neighbourhood Working; there were others.

I was fortunate enough to be with a real expert on Internet Safety, Graham Lowe from LCC. The children showed great knowledge of being safe online and were aware of potential dangers as well as the benefits of using the internet in general and social networking in particular.

I learned about CEOPS (the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) http://ceop.police.uk/ a video called Jigsaw  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_o8auwnJtqE and Hector the Protector. Hector the Protector is a free download that installs a safety button on your computer. The idea is that if a child (or anyone for that matter) sees something inappropriate, they can click the button and seek advice which, in the case of children, would be from a responsible adult.

The Fire Safety table was where I thought I would be but a last minute change meant that I wasn’t. I walked across to that table during the break and was asked “Do you have a smoke alarm”, well we don’t. It turns out that of all the people in the room (and there were a good few hundred) ours was the only house without a smoke alarm! I have now requested that Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service come to our house to do a fire risk assessment, which is free and something we should have done months, if not years, ago.

To request such an assessment contact the Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service on 0800 1691125 or


When walking through Chorley, after participating in the Democracy Day, I noticed a sign “Ask the Vicar”, there he was, Father Timothy, wrapped up sat on a plastic chair talking to anyone who chose to sit in the chair alongside him. During Lent, people try to give things up and Timothy is offering his time for the benefit of others, this he did last year and is repeating it again this year.

I stopped for a brief chat and discovered that he was regularly supplied with a brew from one of the market stalls and even pies from passing shoppers. Part of (Matthew 6:26-33) The Sermon on the Mount came to mind and made me smile as, sat in the middle of Chorley, Father Timothy was being provided for.


Chorley Lane Cottages

Work to demolish the three cottages on Chorley Lane has begun, with much scaffolding, as the party wall needs to be maintained to prevent demolition of one more property than is planned. I maintain my opinion that it is a loss that these could not be renovated to an adequate standard as, as I have found, there are a good few in the village who have fond memories of these cottages including one gentleman whose family were born in them going back 3 generations (his mother, her father and his father). However these three cottages will eventually be replaced by two new properties.

Leeson Avenue Garages

Planning permission has been granted to demolish the garages on Leeson Avenue and replace them with a single building comprising four properties. The garages were under-utilised, although those using them have a different opinion! What cannot be questioned is that there were more empty garages than there were garages being used. The plans include parking provision for the properties and for other users. The work should be starting soon and I will keep a watchful eye as to what effect this has on parking in this area.

I have requested that CCH perform a walkabout and will, if I am advised of dates and times, ensure everyone is made aware when this will be.

Dog Fouling

Many thanks to those who have contacted me regarding Dog Fouling throughout the village, the main areas being, as expected along Charter Lane, Church Lane, Leeson Avenue and Chorley Lane. I am under no illusion and do not expect that the problem will go away overnight, but with some effort we should be able to gradually reduce it.

The removal of some of the dog waste bins has been brought to my attention (Charter Lane and close to the Play Area). Please remember that dog waste can now be placed in any bin and some effort is being expended in increasing the number of these especially in the centre of the village.

School Woodland Garden

Work continues, with the trees being made safe and some planting to take place during the year. A successful Green Partnerships Award, in addition to the original funding from Chorley Council, means that most, if not all, of the planned work can take place.

There have been reports of some recent vandalism in the garden, so I ask that people please treat this area with respect as it is a resource for the school children and needs to be maintained, such that it is safe for them to use.


The controversial 20mph zones have now been introduced in Charnock Richard and, as many predicted, are having no immediate impact on the speed of vehicles through the village, especially along Church Lane, Charter Lane and Chorley Lane.

The Parish Council regularly have a Speed Indicator Device (SPID) in place at areas where people are known to speed and where extra care should be taken. These move about and are also shared with Heskin to minimise costs and to ensure they are noticed when in place.

Following a conversation with Parish Councillor Anne Bishop I will be trying to have some additional signage installed, warning of people crossing the road close to the Chorley Lane Bungalows, as that is a particular area where often less agile people cross the road. Please be patient, this signage will not happen within the next few weeks or even months, as I have found, it takes a good while to get anything done.

There are a few determined individuals but it is generally difficult for cars to overtake in Charnock Richard so, if you are driving at a safe speed, within the limit, then those immediately behind you will be doing the same.

Joining Jack

My mistake as I omitted to thank Ian and all the staff at the Football Club, for their efforts in selling the wrist bands in aid of Joining Jack. Your contribution is appreciated, thank you.

Just as a reminder my contact details are:
Telephone: 01257 795559, please leave a message, I will respond to it